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Lakisha Bealer

How Well Do You Really Handle Career Setbacks? Discover Your Career Resilience Score Now!

In the rollercoaster ride of our careers, setbacks are inevitable. Whether it's a project that didn't pan out as expected, a promotion slipping through your fingers, or a challenging work relationship, how you bounce back from these adversities speaks volumes about your career resilience.

What is Career Resilience? Career resilience is the ability to not only endure setbacks in the workplace but to also adapt, grow, and thrive in the face of challenges. It's about maintaining your productivity, motivation, and well-being when faced with obstacles.

Assessing Your Career Resilience Score

To truly understand how you handle career setbacks, it's essential to assess your career resilience score. To help you with this, we've put together a brief questionnaire to evaluate your resilience in the face of adversity.

Career Resilience Questionnaire:

  • When faced with a setback at work, how do you typically react? a) Get demotivated and dwell on the failure b) Analyze the situation, learn from it, and move forward

  • How do you handle stress in the workplace? a) Avoid it and hope it resolves on its own b) Implement coping strategies to manage stress effectively

  • Do you actively seek feedback to improve your performance? a) No, I prefer not to hear criticism b) Yes, feedback helps me grow and develop

  • How do you approach challenges at work? a) Feel overwhelmed and defeated b) Break down the challenge into manageable steps and tackle it head-on

  • How do you view setbacks in your career trajectory? a) See them as insurmountable roadblocks b) View them as opportunities for growth and development


  • Count the number of 'a' and 'b' answers you selected.

  • For every 'a' answer, assign 1 point. For every 'b' answer, assign 2 points.

  • Add up your total points to get your Career Resilience Score.

Interpreting Your Career Resilience Score

  • 5-7 Points : Your resilience could use a boost. Focus on developing a growth mindset and seeking opportunities for learning and development.

  • 8-10 Points : You're on the right track. Keep leveraging your resilience to navigate challenges and propel your career forward.

  • 11-12 Points : Congratulations! You've demonstrated high career resilience. Continue to foster this trait to achieve your professional goals.

Remember, your Career Resilience Score is not set in stone. It's a reflection of your current approach to setbacks in your career. With dedication and a proactive mindset, you can enhance your resilience and conquer any obstacles that come your way.

Resilience Checklist

Embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth, learn from them, and let your resilience shine through. Discover your Career Resilience Score today and embark on a journey towards a more resilient and successful career!

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